Eliminate Harmful Microbes & Parasites

by Walter Last

See your naturopath before treating any health problem with drugs or surgery!

All chronic diseases, including cancer and autoimmune diseases are associated with a proliferation of pathogenic microbes and parasites.  Due to antibiotics, steroidal drugs, birth control pills and chemotherapy our natural intestinal bacteria have been severely damaged, and pathogenic microbes, especially fungi and mycoplasmas, are out of control.

Also, microbes from childhood vaccinations may still be present, and there tend to be infection foci in root-canal treated teeth and often in scars from surgery. All these greatly weaken our immune system and allow pathogenic microbes to invade the blood and internal organs. Now we become susceptible to frequent infections and immune disturbances such as autoimmune diseases, allergies, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

This can only be reversed by keeping fungi and other microbes under control to give the immune system a chance to recover. Therefore, antimicrobial therapy is essential at the start of a holistic health program. But fungi are very tenacious and have ways to stay in hiding as spores or protected by biofilms, and when we become careless or stressed, they may try again to invade the blood. This means we need to continue for a long time with a low-key antimicrobial maintenance program, and step it up periodically, or whenever we are under prolonged stress or notice any undesirable microbial activity.


Often casual viral or bacterial infections re-ignite conditions that were previously under control, such as diabetes or autoimmune diseases. Therefore, whenever there is an acute infection or a flare-up of a chronic problem, it is advisable to take strong antimicrobial action immediately. Greatly increase the strength and variety of antimicrobial remedies, and in addition use any of the following measures that seem to be appropriate. 

Fever is a great help in fighting infections by killing heat intolerant germs and strengthening the immune response. Keep it up with hot baths, hot teas and sweating. Very high temperatures may be reduced with cold packs around the calves, cool baths and blue light. If the fever is too concerning seek professional help. During an acute infectious disease use mainly a light diet with plenty of raw food as salads and juices.

Viral infections: in addition to general antimicrobial methods also use a high intake of vitamin C, selenium and zinc. Take 5 x 2g of sodium ascorbate or buffered vitamin C, 3 x 15 - 20mg of zinc, 200mcg of selenium, up to 3 x 2g of L-lysine and up to 3 x 200mg of alpha-lipoic acid. With hepatitis also add silymarin/milk thistle. In life-threatening situations try intra-venous vitamin C in addition to bowel tolerance vitamin C and high doses of CDH (see below under MMS).

Bladder infections: Take the simple sugar D-mannose, half to one teaspoon in water every 2 to 3 hours; this eliminates infections based on E-coli within a few days. If it does not help then try 15 drops of a saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI) in a lot of fluids every 3 to 4 hours for up to several days or alternatively one very high dose of CDH. Recurrent bladder infections tend to be caused by mycoplasmas and fungi, often lodging inside the bladder wall. Non-acidified MMS is useful for this, also DMSO with added Lugol's solution applied over the bladder or 25% DMSO instilled into the bladder with a catheter.


The most common symptoms are thrush (oral or vaginal), itching and skin infections. As a cause of Leaky Gut Syndrome or when invading the blood, it devastates the immune system, and causes or aggravates food allergies, autoimmune diseases, cancer, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, brain-fog, memory impairment, hyperactivity, autism, menstrual problems, miscarriage, and most other diseases.

Dr Shaw has shown that Candida generates organic acids and other chemicals that interfere with the metabolism:

Acetaldehyde causes mainly the mentioned brain and mental problems, while tartaric acid causes muscle pain and chronic fatigue, and arabinose cross-linking and vitamin-mineral deficiencies (mainly vitamin B6 and zinc). For treatment see Overcoming Candida at:

All of the remedies in the Antimicrobial Program are also good fungicides. In addition, fungi may also be controlled by direct contact with strong alkalizers, such as sodium or potassium bicarbonate. Bicarbonate solution is effective for rinsing the mouth, sinuses, or vagina, or as packs over sites of fungal infection and tumours.

Candida in the gastro-intestinal tract and blood can usually be cleared with intestinal sanitation followed by the antimicrobial program below. However, it may persist in areas with reduced blood supply, such as between toes and under nails, and also as vaginal thrush or causing endometriosis. In this case, fungicides need to be applied directly to the problem area. Most effective for vaginal thrush are inserted capsules filled with borax.

In long-standing and severe conditions Candida tends to protect itself with biofilms - like a mass of fungal strings covered in slimy or sticky mucus which cannot normally be penetrated by fungicides. This may be overcome by high doses of a strong fungicide such as 20 drops of Lugol's solution, CDH or non-acidified MMS, which may induce diarrhoea and vomiting of stringy mucus. Topical DMSO is best to eliminate Candida from inaccessible places, preferably add another fungicide, such as Lugol's solution.  

The Spit Test

Start with this simple Spit Test, and if the results are suspicious, do the Saliva Test for Candida to see if you have a systemic fungus problem:

Immediately after rising before you eat or drink anything fill a clear glass with water at room temperature. Spit some saliva into it. Then check from time to time for up to an hour to see what happens. If Candida is present, you will see one of three things, or a combination of these.

1. There may be strings like legs extending down into the water from the saliva floating on top

2.  Cloudy saliva will accumulate at the bottom of the glass

3.  Cloudy bits will remain suspended in the water.

The quicker and stronger the strings grow and the sooner the saliva sinks, the more Candida is in the sample. If there are no strings and the saliva is still floating after one hour, you probably do not have systemic Candida but may still have a localized problem in the intestines or the vagina, and you may still have dysbiosis and infestations of other pathogenic microbes.

Even after systemic Candidiasis has been eliminated the spit test may still remain positive because of fungi living within the mucous membranes of the mouth which may then re-grow in the night. This may be eliminated by repeatedly swishing MMS for several minutes in the mouth.

Frequently, especially with Candidiasis, there is a die-off or Herxheimer reaction during intestinal sanitation or systemic therapy. You may feel weak and nauseous. In this case temporarily interrupt or reduce the intake of antimicrobials but make special efforts to clean out your bowels.

Urine therapy

Urine is used in many cultures and is especially effective against disorders of the immune system, including infections, allergies, autoimmune diseases and others. Urine contains antibodies and immune stimulating factors against all microbes in our body. To switch off an allergic reaction use urine collected during or after the reaction. Put a few drops of straight or diluted urine under the tongue and keep it in the mouth for a few minutes.

For the Universal Remedy mix 2 drops of urine and 1 tablespoon of water in a small (dropper) bottle by shaking for ten seconds with a strong downwards movement. Whenever you feel sick put several drops under the tongue every 2 waking hours. Make a new remedy every week, usually no refrigeration required.

Another method is to dilute a spoonful of morning urine with 5 to 10 times the amount of non-chlorinated water. Shake 20 to 40 times with a sharp downward stroke. Drink immediately or take a spoonful several times during the day; keep in the mouth for a while before swallowing. For more information, see:


Systemic antimicrobial therapy involves cleaning the bloodstream, lymph fluid, and internal organs of pathogenic microbes. With caution even small children can be treated but do not use high doses during pregnancy, if in doubt consult a naturopath.

From the wide range of available antimicrobials, I have made a selection of remedies with a good track record in natural medicine especially in regard to antifungal properties. Unfortunately, most of them are under attack by health authorities in various countries, and you just need to go with those that you can obtain.

Two good fungicides, mainly for external use, are sodium thiosulphate and copper salicylate ( Other useful remedies that may be used in addition are propolis, extract of Neem leaves, and the oils of tea tree, Neem tree, cinnamon, eucalyptus, lavender, mustard, oregano, or thyme. You may ingest 1 or 2 drops of diluted essential oils four times daily. Also try direct treatment of affected areas, such as douching, gargling, enemas and skin applications.

It is advisable to alternate between different remedies in cycles from daily to weekly and longer. With this rotation it is less likely that microbes will become treatment resistant. Also, if a strain of microbes is resistant to one of the remedies it may be eliminated with one of the others.

Further, instead of using high doses of any one remedy you may try moderate amounts of several different remedies taken at different times at the same day, and you may also continue taking fresh raw garlic. However, in the beginning it is preferable for a while to build up to a high dose of a strong remedy to dislodge or eliminate microbes protected by biofilms or in other poorly accessible areas. 

Depending on the severity of your symptoms you may continue this systemic therapy for one to two months, or until you feel that your microbe-related problems have disappeared or are under control. Then you may continue for a much longer time with a reduced maintenance dose. If symptoms come back at a later time, then just repeat a high-dose therapy. 

The recommended dosages are for average body weight, overweight individuals may take somewhat more and underweight individuals or children somewhat less. These remedies may not be suitable in high doses during pregnancy, in this case consult a health professional. For maintenance you may use half the indicated amounts and may have periodic breaks from therapy to see if microbes remain under control.

It is common to experience occasional bouts of diarrhoea during antimicrobial therapy. This may be from die-back reactions of Candida and other microbes, but it may also be from toxins released by the liver. Often this can be associated with headaches and intestinal discomfort. In this case make an attempt to clean the intestinal tract with psyllium, garlic and lots of water, and also with enemas and possibly colonics. The quicker you get such irritating toxic material out of your system the better.

Iodine Therapy

Iodine is an excellent fungicide. It helps to prevent and remove internal cysts and is especially important with breast cancer or breast problems in general. Most commonly used is Lugol's solution. At full-strength it contains 10% potassium iodide and 5% iodine. Each drop has 6.5 mg of iodine/iodide.

If you buy a weaker iodine solution, then take more drops than for the standard solution. Iodoral tablets available in the US have 13 mg iodine/iodide per tablet. Iosol, an iodine/ammonium iodide remedy, has 1.8 mg of iodine/iodide per drop.

Before starting take a drop to test your reaction. This may happen when on thyroid medication, or with goitre or an overactive thyroid. In this case, start with ¼ to ½ drop and increase only very slowly.

With the standard program you gradually increase up to 10 drops of Lugol's solution 3 times daily with food or drink. You may use water, warm, but not hot, coffee or tea, but avoid antioxidants for an hour before or after taking Lugol’s. Continue for 3 weeks with the full dose, but interrupt or reduce while you experience a reaction. After 3 weeks, continue with 1 or 2 drops daily more or less indefinitely. See: for more information.

MMS – Sodium Chlorite

Acidified sodium chlorite (NaClO2) is one of the strongest broad-range microbicides. In solution it is very alkaline and stable but when acidified it forms unstable chlorous acid and chlorine dioxide gas (ClO2) with strong oxidising effects. I prefer using MMS therapy periodically, e.g. for several weeks gradually increasing the daily amounts and frequency up to the tolerated limit, and then decreasing again to a rest period while at the same time increasing other antimicrobials. Jim Humble prefers continuous high-dose MMS treatment. For Jim’s protocols see or any other of his websites.

As part of the systemic therapy, you may start taking 1 or 2 drops of MMS, gradually increasing this up to a maximum of 15 drops daily or until some nausea develops. In this case you may cut back by 2 drops and stay at this level for several days until increasing again by 1 drop a day. Generally, it is better to have some food in the stomach. One can also absorb the gas from the mouth or the rectum and this usually does not cause nausea.

An alternative method for intensifying the antimicrobial program or for overcoming an acute infection is by taking 3 to 4 drops of acidified and diluted MMS every hour or every 2 hours for several days. Temporarily reduce the dose if nausea occurs.

In all cases mix the MMS with five times the number of drops of lemon or lime juice or white vinegar. Commonly a more effective 10% solution of citric acid in water has been used but this causes more nausea and instead an equal number of drops of MMS and 4% hydrochloric acid (HCl) may be used.

Three minutes after adding the weaker acids or 20-30 seconds after adding the HCl dilute with half a glass of water, herb tea, or juice without added vitamin C, e.g., apple or grape juice but not orange juice. Do not take any antioxidant supplements close to MMS; best keep them 3 or more hours apart.

To quickly stop nausea, you may take 1000 mg or more of vitamin C, but this also stops the anti-microbial activity. To avoid or minimize oxidative damage I recommend taking MMS only in the morning and evening or only once a day and use a combination of antioxidants, including vitamin C, at lunchtime or several hours away from the MMS. To minimize unpleasant side effects, try to alkalize the body before going on a course of MMS.

The main danger after a high dose of MMS is from low blood pressure and hypoglycaemic shock caused by fluid loss after vomiting and diarrhoea. If this should happen take immediately a high dose of vitamin C to stop the reaction, lie down, and drink lots of lightly salted and sweetened water. A general recommendation for rehydrating after vomiting and diarrhoea is a fluid made with 6 level teaspoons of sugar and 1/2 level teaspoon of salt dissolved in 1 litre of water, or alternatively use salted rice water. Further, Individuals with a tendency to haemolytic anaemia must avoid MMS and other oxidising substances.

Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) is now available over the Internet as a concentrated solution of the gas in water. It is easier to take than acidified MMS and does not seem to cause nausea.

CDH - A New MMS Protocol: CDH means Chlorine Dioxide Holding Solution and stands between classic MMS and CDS. Advantages are: It is less nauseating than MMS, causes less stomach upset, once made it does not need activation, lasts for weeks, and appears to have better results.

For making CDH use a ratio of 22 parts of water with 1-part MMS and
1-part activator. To make 240ml of CDH order put the ingredients in the following order into a 250 to 300ml glass bottle with a good sealing plastic cap: 220ml purified water; 10ml MMS; 10ml of 3 to 4% HCl. Immediately cap the bottle tightly so that no CLO2 gas escapes. Shake the bottle to mix the ingredients, repeat shaking several times later. Store the bottle in a dark place at room temperature for a day. Then keep the bottle of CDH refrigerated; once cooled the CDH can be used and will last for weeks, no further activation is needed.

Every ml of CDH contains 1 pre-activated drop of MMS, so instead of dosing with drops, dose with millilitres of CDH, e.g., instead of adding 3 drops of activated MMS to half a glass of water you now put 3ml of CDH in half a cup of water or more and drink. See one of the Jim Humble websites for more details.

The rectal absorption method is good with Candida or parasitic overgrowth in the bowels, and also with rectal or prostate cancer, irritable bowel, and infections, cysts and cancers of the female organs.

Preferably have a bowel movement followed by an enema with warm water, and then another one with 2 activated drops of MMS in 250 ml of water. Hold for several minutes, then expel, clean again with an enema and finally insert a larger number of drops, perhaps 4 to 6 activated drops in 250 ml water and hold for a longer time, up to 30 minutes. As with oral absorption you may also add some bicarbonate to make it less acidic. Protect the anus with some Vaseline. There tends to be no direct discomfort, but for several hours afterwards energy may be low, and several cleanout bowel movements may follow.

Non-Acidified MMS is much easier to take than acidified MMS, and better as long-term or repeated therapy. It is much less damaging to antioxidants than acidified MMS, and the incidence of nausea will be greatly reduced.

You may use this after an initial period with acidified MMS. It helps with neutralising the toxic effects of acetaldehyde (brain-fog) produced by Candida and other fungi and after chemotherapy. In this way acetaldehyde is oxidized to the beneficial acetic acid or vinegar.

As an average dose try 5 to 10 drops (or up to half a ml) of MMS once a day after the evening meal or at bedtime in a drink. Use this periodically, alternating with other antimicrobials.


Kerosene can be highly effective for overcoming cancer – see: Kerosene boils between 145°C and 300°C. The lighter fractions are mainly absorbed in the stomach and intestines while those with a boiling point above 200°C move mostly through the whole of the intestinal tract with a laxative effect. The most suitable boiling range is from about 100 to 200°C.

Refined kerosene with a low content of aromatic hydrocarbons is available as low-odour kerosene. A suitable variety in Australia is Diggers Low Odour Kerosene with a boiling range from 149 to 194°C. It is available from hardware stores rather than supermarkets. Recochem also have odourless kerosene, but with 190 to 230°C the boiling range is too high.

To see if products in other countries are suitable, go to the website of the manufacturer and look up the Material Safety Data Sheet or MSDS. It should preferably be low in aromatics and mostly in the recommended boiling range. It may not be sold as kerosene but rather as naphtha petroleum, hydrocarbon solvent or white spirits. It should be petrochemical based aliphatic hydrocarbons, and not half-synthetic isoparaffins or special solvent mixtures with a very narrow boiling range.

Shell Chemicals has 2 suitable products free of aromatics: ShellSol D40, with a boiling range of 145° - 210°C, and the lower boiling SBP 100/140. BP White Spirits, low in aromatics, boils from 142° to 200°C. A suitable low-odour product in the US is Klean-Strip 1-K Kerosene. In Europe you can get Shell-Sol D40, SBP 100/140 and Gum Turpentine, SBP 100/140 has the strongest effect, see Amazon or 

Also try stores selling building materials and paint supplies, larger hardware stores, or the Internet. If a low-aromatic product is not available, then even normal kerosene may be used. It is not more toxic but only has a stronger odour. Benzene is toxic but boils at 80°C and so is not a problem in fractions boiling over 100°C.

The dosage and duration of a course are rather flexible. Generally, it may be best starting with half a teaspoon, then continue with one teaspoon for a week or two and gradually increasing up to one tablespoon for a week or two until ending again with one teaspoonful for a total duration of about 6 weeks. This may be repeated as needed.

It is best taken before breakfast or at bedtime. Coat the tongue with molasses and follow with a small amount of drink and food. For children it has been used as several drops on sugar. The higher doses tend to cause diarrhoea and liver detoxification. While this is beneficial, it also causes unpleasant cleansing symptoms. Whenever a problem arises reduce or temporarily stop the intake.

Pure Gum Turpentine

Gum Turpentine (not mineral turpentine!) was a trusted antimicrobial remedy for thousands of years. Take up to 1 teaspoon per day, possibly at bedtime to sleep off any reactions. You may coat your tongue with molasses and dilute the turpentine with a spoonful of paraffin oil or olive oil. Wash down with a drink and follow with a small amount of food.

It has a pine flavour and is relatively pleasant to take, but it has a stronger effect than kerosene. Start with only a few drops and increase very gradually. It is especially active in the headspaces, and too high an initial dose may cause temporary balance problems in some individuals. Instead of using it daily you may try using it 2 or 3 days a week, and kerosene or another remedy on other days.


Borax and boric acid contain boron and are excellent fungicides with additional wide-ranging antimicrobial properties, and also for chelating fluoride and heavy metals. See Chapter 7 for more details.

Dissolve a lightly rounded teaspoonful (5-6 grams) of borax in 1 litre of good quality water (no chlorine or fluoride). This is your concentrated solution. Keep this bottle out of reach of small children.

One 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of concentrate is the standard dose with 25 to 30 mg of borax and provides about 3 mg of boron. Start with one dose mixed with drink or food.  Gradually increase to the chosen maximum intake. About 10 mg of boron is sufficient as a food supplement, while the minimum effective dose as a fungicide is about 100 mg of borax.

Individuals with low to normal weight may increase to a daily amount of 500 mg or 100 ml of the concentrated solution; drink spaced out during the day or mix with food. Heavier individuals may use 1 gram or 200 ml of concentrated solution. Autoimmune diseases have been cured with 2 grams/day for several months and even higher amounts have been used for cancer. When taking high doses, it is more convenient to use borax powder directly mixed with food or drink. One gram corresponds to about ¼ of a level teaspoon, two grams to ½ tsp.

Take your maximum amount for about 1 month and then alternate with another microbicide. However, continue taking a maintenance amount of about 100mg of borax daily. Alternatively, with long-term use of high amounts of borax stop taking it for one week each month.

Borax is rather alkaline and in higher concentrations has a soapy taste. You may disguise this with lemon juice, vinegar, or ascorbic acid. It is one of the best remedies for vaginal thrush: fill and insert a gelatine capsules at bedtime for one to two weeks; for more details see:


This is a veterinary product used to eliminate parasites and worms from domestic animals, and it is also one of the best fungicides. It is generally non-toxic for humans and has a bland taste as powder or liquid. In recent years it came to prominence due to effective cancer treatments and positive research publications in prominent science journals. End-stage lung cancer was cured within 3 months. I received similar success stories from Australia, see: 

Start taking about 250 mg as powder or ½ tsp of the liquid with food or drink for three consecutive days each week and pause for the remaining four days. Periodically you may increase this for several weeks to 500 mg or even 3 x 500 mg taken every day. There do not seem to be any common side-effects but if there is an increase in inflammations or pain then return to the initial schedule. It is commonly sold as Panacur but in Australia better as Fenbender 100 from

Coconut Oil

The medium-chain saturated fatty acids in virgin coconut oil are potent antimicrobial agents, effective against Candida and other fungi, viruses, and many bacteria. Gradually increase up to 70 ml or 5 tablespoons of coconut oil spread out during the day mixed with food. Later reduce this to a comfortable maintenance dose. I prefer coconut oil to monolaurin, an isolated active component in coconut oil, or undecylenic acid, a related fungicide.

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver has a long history in medicine as a natural anti-biotic. Colloidal silver is commercially available. During acute conditions or as systemic therapy use several tablespoons three times daily, and then continue with a gradually reducing dose for several weeks longer. Store colloidal silver in a brown glass bottle and in a dark and cool place as light will precipitate the silver and make it ineffective.

Colloidal silver works best if applied directly to the site of infection, to gargle, as vaginal douche, as colonic, or for skin infections. Most of it is ionic silver which forms ineffective silver chloride in the stomach when swallowed. Nevertheless, the amount that does go into the blood can still work. Newly developed remedies called Molecula Silver, Monoatomic Silver, Covalent or Nano-silver and Biotic silver protein are claimed to be much more effective than common colloidal silver and are not precipitated in the stomach.

Oxygen Therapies

Hydrogen peroxide is suitable for getting microbial and especially fungal overgrowth and "Leaky Gut Syndrome" in the intestines under control. It is easy to obtain and may be used as a supplementary remedy. You may dilute 35% hydrogen peroxide or buy 3% or 6% peroxide from a supermarket or pharmacy. Best dilute peroxide for daily use to about 3% by adding 1 part of 35% peroxide to 10 parts of water. 

Start taking just a few drops in a glass of water. Gradually increase to 1 teaspoon or more four times daily before meals and at bedtime. If you develop an aversion, decrease again to a more comfortable level. Swallow quickly instead of slowly sipping. To disguise the strong aftertaste, add aloe vera gel and fruit flavours, or herb tea, or water flavoured with cinnamon. 

You may continue this for a month or two and then reduce the intake to only once before breakfast. In addition, use hydrogen peroxide to rinse your mouth, and gargle morning and evening. It helps with thrush and to prevent colds and other infections, and also tooth decay, and is better than toothpaste. 

To treat bowel cancer, use colonics with the addition of hydrogen peroxide. Gradually increase the amount of peroxide to the maximum that you can hold for 5 – 10 minutes, for details see Hydrotherapy, Packs & Colonics at:

One teaspoon of 3% peroxide is equivalent to about 12 drops of 35% peroxide. Be careful handling 35% hydrogen peroxide, flush any accidental spills on clothes or skin immediately with water or immerse in water.


DMSO is not only an excellent microbicide in its own right; it is also most effective in carrying other microbicides into inaccessible places and penetrating biofilms. It is especially effective against mycoplasmas. Iodine dissolves easily in DMSO, and molecular iodine or Lugol's solution is the perfect addition. Try several drops of Lugol's in a teaspoon of DMSO and take in a drink several times daily or rub onto the skin over infected areas. You may also mix it with magnesium chloride solution, non-acidified MMS, hydrogen peroxide and other remedies, but not kerosene, gum turpentine or essential oils.

For rubbing onto the skin over infected areas dilute DMSO to about 50-70%. This may quickly stop pain and eliminate microbes from skin, joints, sinuses, inner ear, bones, infected roots of teeth, jawbones, cavitations, and stop fungus-induced hair loss.

For tumour treatment also use a concentrated solution of MSM in 50-70% DMSO and apply frequently over the tumour area. For accessible internal tumours, such as in stomach, pancreas, or uterus, etc., try to expose them frequently to this solution by assuming a position which tends to pool the ingested or instilled solution around the tumour. Do not use DMSO rectally as it may carry toxins into the blood.

The minimum purity of DMSO should be 99% and preferably higher, medical/pharmaceutical grade is generally 99.9%. A suitable combined oral and topical daily amount may be 20 to 30 ml in divided doses. Orally it is good to take in a drink together with specific supplements to enhance their absorption. Do not bring DMSO in contact with plastics or rubber as is easily dissolves toxins from these. For further information see: .

Herbal Antimicrobials

Olive leaf is used as tea, powder or extract to kill all kinds of microbes.

The active ingredient is oleuropein. If using olive leaf as the main antimicrobial therapy, use at least 500mg and preferably 1000mg of oleuropein daily.

Dried olive leaf has about 30mg of oleuropein/gram; therefore use 20-30 grams or 3-5 heaped teaspoons per day. As the tea is bitter you may use part of it as powder stirred in juice. Simmer dried leaves in 1 litre of water for 1-2 hours, top up, strain, refrigerate, and drink 3-5 cups daily.

It is now common to use olive leaf extract. If used in powder form stir half a teaspoon in water or other non-protein liquid and possibly glycerine (to improve the taste) two or three times daily and take before meals.

The normal retail form is as 500mg capsules. In this case you may use10 capsules daily with a suitable liquid. Some liquid extracts contain only 4mg of oleuropein per ml but may have additional active ingredients.

Pau d’arco (also called taheebo or lapacho) is beneficial for all types of cancer. It has the advantage of tasting reasonably pleasant. Use it in high amounts for several months or alternate with olive leaf. Use powdered extract and take a teaspoonful in liquid (e.g., warm water) 3 times daily. Powdered pau d’arco in capsules or cold water does not work, but it may be extracted as tea. Because pau d’arco is not standardised and may be of low quality I do not recommend it as a main therapy.

Wormwood has two commonly used forms: Artemisia absinthium and Artemisia annua or Sweet Annie. Both herbs have different active ingredients, and it may be good to use a mixture of both. A. absinthium is more commonly used in Candida treatment, while Sweet Annie has been shown to kill cancer cells.

The active ingredient in Sweet Annie (A. annua), artemisinin, is attracted to the high iron stores in fast-dividing cancer cells and efficiently kills these cells. Preferably combine this treatment with 10-20 grams of spirulina a day and periodically, for 4 weeks at a time, use high amounts of A. annua.

While A. absinthium is bitter, A. annua is not bitter, and is easy to take. You may just stir a rounded teaspoon of the powder in some warm water or juice or drink as a tea. Use a teaspoon 3 times daily before, during or after meals.

The bitter A. absinthium tea is excellent for stimulating the digestive system, stomach, pancreas, liver, and gall bladder. It has been used as a folk remedy to cure jaundice. You may sweeten the tea with xylitol, glycerine, or stevia, and add some peppermint. It is easier to take by drinking it down quickly and, before breathing again, drinking something pleasant afterwards.

Garlic, Ginger and Turmeric taken raw and in sufficiently high amounts have strong antimicrobial properties without unduly affecting our good gut microbes. Use these combined or alternated and in addition to other microbicides. Turmeric is best taken as a paste mixed with coconut or olive oil and some ground black pepper.


Candida tends to cause overacidity which in turn increases inflammation and pain. This can be controlled with alkalizers such as sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate. Use half to one teaspoon of bicarbonate in a glass of water on an empty stomach or 2-3 hours after meals several times daily. Bicarbonate solution is also effective in direct contact with fungi such as for rinsing the mouth, sinuses or vagina or as packs over sites of fungal infection and tumours. 


While orthodox medicine uses specific drugs for specific microbes, in natural medicine broad-based remedies are used that may cover viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites at the same time. Medical antibiotics tend to kill our friendly gut bacteria, which then allow Candida and mycoplasmas to invade the body and cause numerous health problems. This can be prevented by also taking fungicides in the form of natural remedies when using antibiotics.

Broad-based remedies are cheap and effective and ideally suited for self-healing. But this does not mean that they are harmless. While damaging side-effects are much less common than with drug medicine, problems can occur. This means, you need to use common sense, observe how your body reacts, and cut back or use another remedy if indicated. This is an experimental approach in which you need to be flexible and take responsibility for your health and your actions instead of just following the orders of a doctor.

Furthermore, most chronic diseases can be overcome and the body rejuvenated with a three-pronged approach based on:

1. Eliminating microbial problems and strengthening the immune system

2. Eliminating metabolic wastes with periodic raw-food cleansing

3. Emotional healing, mind therapies, energy work and guided imagery.

The Ultimate Cleanse is a first step in this system of holistic healing.

Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods to aid in the treatment of illness and health improvement.
The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease,
or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.

© Copyright Walter Last & Austpac Productions. All Rights Reserved. | Web Design by Austpac.