An Overview of Holistic Healing

by Walter Last

Conventional medicine and even many natural therapists do not understand key aspects of the immune system, how it works to protect, regenerate or even harm us, and this causes much suffering and premature death.

Imagine that you have advanced cancer but you are confident that you will beat it because you are doing the very best in natural healing, using the Gerson Therapy or something similar, essentially living on fresh organic juices and salads. All seems to go well, you feel good, but suddenly out of the blue comes a violent reaction with powerful inflammations all through the body. You end up in hospital but they cannot do anything to stop the inflammation. I encountered this situation when being asked what to do for a woman on Gerson Therapy for breast cancer when she developed a strong inflammatory reaction. Days later she was put in hospital. I do not know which drugs she was given but 2 weeks later she was dead.

A similar pattern can be seen with the pioneering clinical cancer trials of Cameron and Pauling. Overall the outcome was positive because most of the terminal patients survived much longer than matched controls. But there was also a downside: just as with the Gerson therapy many patients died rather suddenly from powerful inflammations.

Another scenario: A young and healthy looking woman once came to me after she had her left breast removed a few weeks earlier. She was happy about it; the doctor had told her that it was only a very small lump and they got it all. Two to three years later I read in the local newspaper that she had died. Medical researchers now acknowledge that a high number of young women die two to three years after breast cancer surgery while older women are not affected by this phenomenon, and may die many years later from mycoses (systemic fungal infections) and muscle wasting or cachexia.

Another woman I knew had successfully applied Cansema or Black Salve over her breast tumour. It shrivelled up and fell out but three months later she was dead. 

Now let’s look at autoimmune diseases. Commonly these are associated with dangerous inflammatory reactions. Corticosteroids, such as prednisone and prednisolone, are medically used to suppress strong inflammations. But these drugs have serious long-term side-effects such as adrenal insufficiency, osteoporosis, infections and cataracts. Therefore the aim is to gradually phase corticosteroids out and, if possible, replace them with less harmful drugs. This may work initially, but near the phase-out point or possibly even later the inflammation may hit again with full force and sometimes life-threatening results. Patients are again put on high-dose corticosteroids. This process may be repeated several times or the patient kept long-term on these drugs.

Can you see what all of these examples have in common? It is inflammation. What causes such persistent and even life-threatening inflammations? Our immune system! Patients in the above examples did not die or face life-threatening inflammations due to their disease but because their immune systems were not properly controlled. It is easy to understand how the immune system becomes too strong in the first example and starts a full-scale inflammatory attack on any tumours with often unfortunate outcomes, but what happened in the other examples?

High-dose vitamin C has a strong immune-boosting effect. In that Cameron-Pauling trial ten grams of daily sodium ascorbate were used which gave the immune cells the ammunition to vigorously attack any tumours. Also surgery causes strong inflammations. It has been conclusively shown that this is the time when malignant tumours start spreading metastases (Krokowski), even if the surgery was unrelated to the cancer. Young women usually have a stronger immune system than older women. This causes much stronger inflammations and more death in young women. Black Salve, just like surgery, induces strong inflammations. 

With autoimmune diseases the immune system starts attacking the pleomorphic (shape changing) microbes hiding in affected organs or glands. Corticosteroids suppress the immune system and with this also any existing inflammations, but when drugs are gradually eliminated the immune system may explode again and the patient goes back on high-dose emergency corticosteroids.

I did not have a problem getting patients with all kinds of autoimmune diseases back to normal within a few weeks on a fasting-cleanse with mainly fresh raw vegetables. However, there was a proviso which I realised only later: it worked only if patients had not been on immunosuppressive drugs. It appears that the immune system, when released from its chains, initially overreacts.

So here we have the answer of how to work with rather than against the immune system: it must be made strong but controlled by keeping it on a short leash.

Therefore our first question is: how can we build and maintain a strong immune system? To answer this we must find out what causes our immune system to become so weak that it is possible to develop cancer, an autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease, a mental disease or one of the many varieties of old-age diseases.

Functions of our Immune System

The immune system is the key for keeping or making our bodies healthy. It has two important functions, it protects us from dangerous microbes and it helps removing harmful metabolic waste products and toxins. Both factors are main causes of diseases and aging.

A weak immune system allows pathogenic microbes to invade and propagate, causing most of our diseases. Common examples of a failing immune system are autoimmune diseases, cancer and chronic inflammations, including inflammations of the blood vessels leading to heart attacks and strokes (

Almost all chronic diseases are associated with inflammatory conditions that may remain low-key but sometimes flare up as acute debilitating inflammations. This applies not only to allergies, arthritis, asthma, autoimmune diseases, cancer and others with obvious signs of inflammation, but also to Alzheimer’s, anxiety, chronic fatigue, depression, emphysema, fibromyalgia, heart disease, obesity, osteoporosis and stroke where you may not notice an inflammation. See for an explanation.

Furthermore, all of these diseases not only are microbe-related but also show a high degree of toxic and metabolic waste accumulations. This is especially well researched in Alzheimer’s disease but it is present at varying degrees in almost everyone and a fundamental cause of chronic inflammation and premature aging.

All health deterioration has a common link, being mainly caused by a combination of inherited weaknesses, inferior nutrition, pollution, and negative mental-emotional aspects. Our nutrition greatly affects the quality of our immune system, while the mental-emotional aspect has a large bearing on the type and location of any developing health problem. Microbes and waste products always attack the weakest organs and functions.

In addition we are also strongly affected by what our parents and grandparents ate, thought and felt, and by the infections and diseases with which they were afflicted. Generally we do not inherit diseases as such, but rather weaknesses in specific organs, glands and functions.

How it all starts

I see mainly three factors coming together to cause the common deterioration of our immune system. These are the increasingly severe health problems inherited from our parents, our unhealthy and largely unnatural living conditions, and the health damage caused by medical drugs and modern dentistry. The first two factors cause us to develop health problems already at a young age. These are then intensified by a heavy schedule of vaccinations and by the inappropriate use of antibiotics.

The general principle of vaccinations is good. The main problem is the injection of highly toxic material directly under the skin while naturally we usually come into contact with pathogenic microbes and toxins through the mucous membranes. This is especially damaging when vaccinating young children with an immature immune system. I prefer children to develop a strong immune system by coming early and in a controlled way in contact with the pathogens in our environment.

Another universal problem is modern dentistry. The main damage is caused by three factors: mercury in amalgam fillings; different metals in the mouth generate electric currents that may interfere with nerve transmissions, and root-canal filled or other dead teeth that are chronic infection foci and contribute to many diseases due to anaerobic microbes in the tiny canals or tubuli of the dentine. For more information see Dental Problems.

However, overall I see intestinal dysbiosis caused by antibiotics as the main cause of our health deterioration and the subsequent development of our modern diseases; this is also a cause of premature aging. Cancer, autoimmune diseases and cardiovascular diseases were rare before the widespread use of antibiotics. Chemotherapy, immunosuppressive drugs and even birth control pills may cause dysbiosis as well.

Many research articles now show the importance of healthy gut microbes and the health damage caused by intestinal dysbiosis with a dominance of pathogenic microbes. However, as yet few researchers acknowledge that this problem is mainly caused by broad-spectrum antibiotics without simultaneous protection from fungicides, leading to an overgrowth of Candida albicans. Presently many babies become infected with Candida and other pathogens already in the birth canal. Conventional medicine believes that even if Candida overgrowth is sometimes triggered, it can later be treated with a fungicide. But this is only true for the relatively harmless yeast form of Candida. When doctors believe that the yeast infection has been cured, that is when the real problem has only just started.

An overgrowth of the small round yeast cells can lead within a short time to the transformation into a highly invasive hyphal form with long tentacles or strings. With a weak immune system hyphal Candida can easily penetrate mucous membranes and skin and live inside the affected wall of an organ, be it intestines, vagina, bladder or mouth. It has now even been shown that the central nervous system and various parts of the brain in Alzheimer’s disease contain fungal cells and hyphae which were absent in controls (

An interesting image of hyphal Candida is at For a one-minute video showing Candida changing from round yeast cells into a hyphal mycelium see The-Candida-albicans-Specific-Gene.

Inside the skin or mucous membranes the invading Candida is largely protected from antifungal remedies. In addition hyphal Candida forms a tough chitin shell on its outside. Hyphal Candida growing inside the wall of the intestinal tract cannot be detected with standard medical tests. Candida overgrowth may also be associated with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (or SIBO). Hyphal Candida alone or in combination with SIBO causes chronic intestinal inflammation, thereby making the wall permeable for microbes and toxins to pass from the gut into the blood. This is commonly called Leaky Gut Syndrome and is aggravated in susceptible individuals by reactions to gluten and casein from A1 milk.

Intestinal inflammation is at present the most common attack on our immune system and has far-reaching health consequences. Initially it leads to overacidity, multiple allergies, digestive difficulties, low energy and mental-emotional problems while long-term it is the underlying cause for most of our modern diseases; also see Candida and Gut Dysbiosis.

Leaky gut syndrome causes the blood to become toxic and leads to infestation with pleomorphic microbes (Pleomorphics). Blood-based microbes may actually originate from the incomplete breakdown of unhealthy body cells. They seem to start as tiny protein blobs and grow through various viral and bacterial shapes into fungi. Some researchers call these entities cancer virus or cancer microbe. After injecting small amounts of these microbes into mice autoimmune or collagen diseases developed while injecting larger amounts led to cancer (

How far and how fast these microbes develop depends on the toxicity of the blood and the strength of the immune system. But overall this is the key factor that weakens the immune system, which now puts all its resources into cleaning up the blood without being able to make any headway unless we succeed in re-sealing the intestine-blood barrier.

Watch these blood-based microbes at Humoral Pathology and Symbiosis or Parasitism. Also interesting are detailed drawings and descriptions of the development cycle of pleomorphic blood microbes, see Sanguinogramm. In the head of club-shaped microbes one can see evolving new spores or viruses. When the structure reaches a certain size the head explodes and releases a new batch of virus-sized particles into the blood. Immune cells or phagocytes gobble up these virus forms, but if there are too many they just continue to develop inside the phagocytes and eventually break out again with large heads full of viruses that they release into the blood.

Mitochondrial Diseases

Mitochondria are structures in cells that produce energy by oxidising our food in the citric acid cycle to carbon dioxide and water. Excess carbohydrates can be converted into fats with the help of insulin, and glucose can be made in the liver from amino acids derived from proteins.

Conventional medicine regards mitochondrial diseases as relatively rare and caused by faulty genes or acquired later in life due to drugs, infections or other causes. In contrast, I regard most of our modern diseases, including cancer and mental diseases, as basically inflammatory mitochondrial diseases.

There are two main defects in mitochondrial diseases: one is an inability of the amino acid carnitine to channel fatty acids into mitochondria, and the other is a blockage in the final steps of oxidising nutrients to carbon dioxide and water.

Therefore energy is mainly produced from the anaerobic breakdown of carbohydrates which yields only 20% of the energy that would be produced in the citric acid cycle. This process generates large amounts of lactic acid, making the body overacid and causing mineral deficiencies, inflammations and pain. The energy deficit is even greater because fats and oils cannot be properly utilised. These are either not well absorbed, mainly in individuals who have difficulty gaining weight, or they are just stored in fat tissue causing overweight and obesity.

In animals we often see abnormal behaviour caused by parasites to ensure their survival (10-fascinating-cases-of-mind-control). We have a similar behavioural change in humans caused by Candida and other fungi. By obstructing the fat metabolism and the oxidative energy production they create a lack of energy and with this a craving for easily digestible carbohydrates to get more energy, just what fungi need for optimal development.

However, usually only a certain percentage of mitochondria are dysfunctional, so the overall effect can be very different in different individuals and depends very much on recent Candida activity as well as the focal area of mitochondrial dysfunction. In some it affects mainly the brain, in others muscles or joints or specific organs. Normally lemon juice is alkalising but this blockage of the citric acid cycle can make affected individuals more acidic instead.

The primary mitochondrial dysfunction is in the liver. This leads to the common condition of pyroluria, a defect in the production of haem or heme (US) needed in haemoglobin and in different forms by all cells for controlled oxidations. This creates an excess of pyrroles in the liver, the chemical from which haem is synthesized. Some forms of pyrrole bind vitamin B6 and zinc, causing these to be deficient. In addition the conversion of vitamin B6 into the metabolically active pyridoxal-5-phosphate or P5P is more or less blocked, and this leads to insufficient production of enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters as well as proteins needed by the immune system.

An example of this is the need for P5P in the conversion of the amino acid tryptophan into vitamin B3 (niacin and niacinamide). Insufficient P5P leads to deficiency of vitamin B3 which is essential for cellular energy production. This is the reason why vitamin B3 supplements are so effective for a wide range of mental disorders and muscle weakness. As a further consequence this blocked conversion causes the formation of the toxic chemical xanthurenic acid. It binds zinc and insulin, and is a main factor in causing diabetes.

Another harmful effect of reduced haem for controlled oxidations is an increase in the rate of uncontrolled oxidation, aided by a pyroluria-caused lack of the universal body antioxidant glutathione. This leads to increased oxidative pressure with the formation of harmful oxidised lipids and free radicals that destroy cell structures. Candida and pyroluria work hand in glove to produce most of our modern diseases by blocking mitochondrial energy production; for more information see Pyroluria.


Medical research shows that acetaldehyde, a small 2-carbon molecule, is an initiator of liver disease by poisoning the mitochondria. However, this research focuses only on the oxidation of ingested alcohol to acetaldehyde in the liver ( A much greater but officially ignored problem is the production of acetaldehyde by Candida, yeasts and other fungi. Candida-produced acetaldehyde is able to enter the blood from the intestines, the vagina or mouth, and so can poison mitochondria in any susceptible part of the body. Normally the liver produces a specific haem that oxidises acetaldehyde into useful acetic acid but in pyroluria this path is obstructed. Various aldehydes are commonly present in synthetic fragrances and cause allergic reactions in susceptible individuals.

Brain and nerve functions are frequently affected, often leading to mental and emotional diseases. Acetaldehyde also interferes with the major neurotransmitter acetylcholine. A specific disease will develop mainly in the part of the brain or nervous system with the most severe mitochondrial dysfunction. This applies to Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease, autism, dementia, depression, schizophrenia and other mental and neurological diseases. Stopping acetaldehyde supply to the brain may be curative, especially if combined with pyroluria therapy and increasing energy production in the brain, e.g. by supplying coconut oil, DMSO, vitamins B3 and B5.

In muscle cells acetaldehyde blocks the oxidative energy production leading to chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and other muscle problems. Mitochondrial dysfunction is frequently associated with overweight or underweight (see Candida and Gut Dysbiosis).

Also widespread are thyroid problems, mostly underactivity but also overactivity may result due to autoimmunity or thyroid tumours. These, too, are caused by Candida and pyroluria. The existing P5P and zinc deficiency makes it difficult to produce sufficient hormones and enzymes in general while acetaldehyde also leads to energy deficiency in the thyroid itself. Another factor is the need for elemental iodine to produce thyroid hormones. Due to low levels of thyroid haem there is not enough thyroid peroxidase to oxidise dietary iodide into iodine. Thyroid peroxidase also requires selenium which is often deficient. Further, iodine rather than iodide is needed for tissue regeneration.

An underactive thyroid is commonly associated with overactive parathyroids causing calcium to leach from the bones and deposit in soft tissue, leading to calcifications, weak bones and osteoporosis. Furthermore, normally part of the vitamin K1 in food can be converted into vitamin K2 but this process may be obstructed in pyroluria. Vitamin K1 mainly controls blood clotting and bleeding while vitamin K2 works together with vitamin D3, boron and magnesium to channel calcium into the bones. Therefore, pyroluria-caused vitamin K2 deficiency may lead to increased osteoporosis.

Organs affected by energy deficiency do not remove all toxic and metabolic wastes; these then remain stored in the cells, inhibiting normal functions. This provides ideal breeding grounds for pathogenic microbes and makes us more susceptible to infections. The immune system tries to eliminate pathogenic microbes and clean up dangerous waste proteins. This then generates the persistent inflammations characteristic of chronic diseases.

Improving mitochondria is especially difficult with inherited mitochondrial dysfunction. Commonly liver mitochondria are most affected, manifesting as pyroluria and other liver diseases. In addition also other organs or systems may be damaged. Additional problems result if pathogenic microbes take up residence in damaged cells of affected organs. This may then lead to an autoimmune disease, or by forming a colony similar to a biofilm a tumour may grow. These microbes block cellular energy production even stronger than Candida-generated acetaldehyde and cannot be easily reversed.

The more the oxidative energy production in a tumour is decreased the more malignant it is. The connection between cancer and Candida can also be seen from the accidental cures of leukaemia after treating Candida, see Cancer-Contagious. Six more recent cases are reported here (click on “PDF”). The effectiveness of fungicides in cancer treatment is not surprising as cancer cells not only have the same type of anaerobic energy metabolism as fungi, but invasive cancer cells also look and behave like hyphal fungi. Have a look online for cancer cell photos. Even more amazing images are at gettyimages-cancer-cell, especially look for ‘breast-cancer-cell’ and ‘abstract-cancer-cell-with-metastasis’.   

Strengthening the Immune System

Individuals with chronic diseases or advanced age can be expected to have dysfunctional immune systems, while most others have varying degrees of immune weakness. Therefore, strengthening the immune system needs to be the first step followed at the appropriate time by sedating or controlling it if and as needed.

The main steps for strengthening the immune system are:

•   Intestinal sanitation to re-seal the intestine-blood barrier

•   Controlling pathogenic microbes 

•   Periodic cleansing to remove toxins and metabolic wastes

•   Improving liver functions and controlling pyroluria

•   Providing nutrients needed by the immune system

Intestinal Sanitation

This can be the most difficult part of the whole program. Antibiotics leading to Candida overgrowth usually mark the start of our long-term health deterioration but in time also other pathogenic microbes and parasites may move in. Treating cancer and other chronic diseases without sanitising the intestines is like mopping up the floor because of an overflowing sink without turning off the running tap.

The main steps in intestinal sanitation are

•   Cleaning out the intestinal tract

•   Using antimicrobials with good antifungal activity

•   Providing beneficial or probiotic microbes

•   Supplying prebiotic food for desirable microbes to thrive

•   Minimising foods and drugs that damage our gut microbes

Cleaning out the intestinal tract may initially be done with a strong laxative such as Epsom salts or magnesium chloride, taken together with an antimicrobial such as chopped garlic or ginger. On subsequent days psyllium may be used on its own or alternated with diatomaceous earth. Mix psyllium with plenty of water: into a large glass of water stir a microbicide e.g. chopped garlic or ginger and 1 rounded teaspoon of psyllium. Take this on an empty stomach about 30 minutes before breakfast. Drink more water afterwards.

Probiotic microbes may be supplied from fermented food, especially vegetables fermented with lactic acid bacteria; also kefir or kombucha may be suitable as are soil-based microbes e.g. Prescript Assist or Effective Microorganisms (EM probiotics).

Organic leaf and root vegetables pureed in a high-speed blender after only minimal cleaning provide good microbes and also the prebiotics that they need to multiply. Other suitable prebiotics are inulin, fructooligosaccharides or FOS and resistant starch (RS). These feed mainly the microbes in the colon, good for preventing or treating inflammatory bowel diseases and colon cancer.

You get RS by adding a small raw potato (avoid any with green skins) when blending vegetables. To make isolated RS blend some peeled potatoes and refrigerate. After a short time the RS granules accumulate at the bottom and you can pour off the liquid. 100g of raw potato provides a recommended daily amount of 25g RS. For a good article on RS see Resistant-Starch

A common drawback with prebiotics is increased wind. This can be minimized by only slowly increasing the amounts of prebiotics, and using psyllium before breakfast and possibly other meals. Psyllium reduces wind by removing toxins and excess microbes. In addition we must greatly reduce easily digestible carbohydrates, especially sugar and flour products; for additional information see Intestinal Sanitation.

Controlling pathogenic microbes

Though the main concern is with Candida, sooner or later other pathogens and parasites start invading the gut and the blood. The problem is to select remedies that mainly affect the pathogens and leave our good microbes alone. We do not need to eliminate pathogens completely with these remedies but rather shift the balance so that the good microbes have the upper hand. They will then keep the bad ones under control as long as we give them the right food.

Trying to clean the blood will be futile as long as the blood-intestine barrier is not sealed. When it is eventually closed by sanitising the intestines then the immune system will also get the upper hand to clean the blood and infested organs.

Natural remedies such as coconut oil, garlic or ginger and also borax, iodine, kerosene and olive leaf extract do not seem to be a problem for our good microbes, and therefore can be taken long-term. Lufenuron as used for flea control of dogs also inhibits the formation of chitin in hyphal Candida for easier elimination with antifungal remedies. Borax and gum turpentine are effective against parasites. For details see Ultimate Cleanse, for Candida problems also Overcoming Candida.

Periodic Cleansing

When we eat less calories than the body needs then it starts digesting metabolic wastes accumulated in cells, tissues and blood vessels; it even breaks down cysts, tumours and other diseased tissue. This greatly reduces any later inflammatory immune reactions. We can maximise this effect by periodically adopting a cleansing fast on fresh raw foods. A suitable program for someone with a chronic disease or for serious health improvement would be one week of fasting each month, but start with one or two days and increase gradually.

Most effective are very fresh, young and organic leaf vegetables such as wheat or barley grass or other sprouted seeds grown to the leaf stage. Some root vegetables can be used in addition. Fresh juices or purees made in a high-speed blender may be used in addition to salads, fresh fruits and virgin coconut oil. Also sip several litres of high quality water before meals and keep the bowels moving. If you develop uncomfortable problems such as diarrhoea, nausea, headaches, muscle or joint pain, stop the fast and return to your normal diet. Use a less intensive approach during the next fasting period; for further information see Fasting and Cleansing

Improving Liver Functions

The liver is the main organ for detoxifying drugs and fat-soluble toxins. With weak liver functions these tend to accumulate in the body. Furthermore, the inherited or acquired condition of pyroluria causes deficiencies in the production of enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters and other key proteins, including those needed by the immune system.

The main actions we need to take are: 

•   improving the energy metabolism of the liver

•   controlling pyroluria by taking P5P, zinc and other nutrients

•   improving the release of bile and the fat metabolism

We can improve liver energy by taking medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) with most meals, by mixing up to a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil with some food up to 5 times daily. MCT can be absorbed without needing bile or pancreatic lipase, and can be metabolised even with damaged liver mitochondria. Coconut oil and palm kernel oil (but not palm oil) consist of about 65% MCT, butterfat about 12%, but there are none in other commonly used fats and oils. I regard coconut oil as preferable to commercial MCT oil extracted from coconut or palm kernel oil.

If more MCT are ingested than needed for liver energy then surplus fatty acids are exported to the rest of the body in the form of water-soluble ketoacids. These are suitable as a source of energy for damaged mitochondria, such as in brain, heart or muscles. Ketoacids are used to treat drug-resistant epilepsy, and are beneficial for most brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, depression and mental diseases as well as chronic fatigue and muscle weakness.

Increasingly ketoacids are also being used as the main component of a low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet which provides energy for normal cells but starves microbes and cancer cells. Ketoacids act as replacements for carbohydrates and are not stored in the body; any surplus is expelled through the kidneys. Therefore they do not cause any weight problems. Instead with overweight they help to reduce weight while with underweight they provide additional energy to gain weight. While originally ketogenic diets where based on long-chain fatty acids, it is preferable to use mainly coconut oil. A disadvantage of ketoacids is increased acidity of the body which may require additional bicarbonate.

I expect that most individuals with chronic diseases, and especially the elderly, have weak liver functions with borderline or full pyroluria, depending on nutrition, Candida activity and stress levels. Therefore it is only prudent to supplement with P5P and zinc in addition to B vitamins and essential minerals as outlined in Pyroluria.

P5P deficiency causes a multitude of problems. An example is a blocked conversion of methionine into cysteine, leading to accumulation of homocysteine associated with heart disease and diabetes. This greatly reduces not only the availability of the sulphur amino acids cysteine and taurine but also of sulphates needed for building connective tissue and detoxifying the liver. Cysteine is the main ingredient of the universal body antioxidant glutathione. Pyroluria therefore causes glutathione deficiency and with this general oxidative stress.

Taurine has many important functions, including for the heart, immune system and blood sugar control. It is highest in hard-working muscles, but in this context it is a main ingredient in the formation of bile. Bile is produced from combining taurine (or glycine) with an oxidised form of cholesterol. Bile has not only the function to emulsify fats for proper absorption but also to release toxins processed by the liver. Less taurine means less bile and therefore higher cholesterol levels, more gravel and gallstones, poor absorption of fats and a more toxic liver.

The chain of treatment for restoring liver energy, bile flow and fat metabolism is like this:

•   coconut oil several times daily for liver energy and the production of ketoacids

•   P5P and zinc to enable the synthesis of essential proteins

•   Up to 2 x ½ teaspoon each of taurine and N-acetyl-carnitine with food

Providing Nutrients for the Immune System

An effective way to provide nutrients for the immune system is to use a quality diet high in very fresh raw food. Prime examples of this are fresh young leaves of wheat or barley grass, green vegetables or even of weeds, used as juices or pureed in a high-speed blender. In addition supply all the vitamins, minerals and other components that the immune system needs.

A main problem related to pyroluria is a weak antioxidant protection combined with high oxidative stress. This is largely due to a deficiency of cysteine, the main component of glutathione and our main antioxidant. Immune reactions generate reactive oxygen radicals leading to strong tissue inflammations unless they are quickly neutralised by glutathione. Because of glutathione deficiency pyroluria is associated with tissue-damaging immune reactions. This can be improved by treating pyroluria, and supplying cysteine (as N-acetyl-cysteine), high amounts of antioxidants, and broccoli sprouts for Sulphoraphane

High doses of vitamin C, mainly as sodium ascorbate, in addition to MSM are effective, see More Energy. B-vitamins, especially vitamins B3 and B5, are needed for all stages of energy production and other metabolic functions. With brain diseases or muscle fatigue try up to 3 x 500mg of B3 and half that amount for B5, increase gradually.

Protein-digesting enzymes taken before meals reduce stored waste products and dead protein structures or microbial biofilms. Try serrapeptase, nattokinase and bromelain see Hypercoagulation. They are strongly anti-inflammatory. Further helpful are nutrient-dense green powders such as spirulina, chlorella, wheat and barley grass powder, and a great variety of special foods such as astaxanthin, garlic, purple berries, and turmeric.

Other methods to strengthen the immune system are appropriate skin exposure to sunlight, walking barefoot on grass, getting sufficient quality sleep, doing mind and energy exercises, and very important: try to live a low-stress life.

However, it is equally necessary to avoid or minimise factors that weaken the immune system such as overacidity, worry, chemical food additives, sugar and flour products, fungi, moulds, yeasts, and many more. Minimise pro-inflammatory foods such as wheat gluten and casein in A1 milk (see Inflammation from A1-Milk). I also believe that most medical drugs increase liver toxicity and suppress immune functions.

Controlling the Immune System

A strong immune system can be expected to keep our bodies clean and healthy and to react appropriately at all times. Problems arise when the immune system has a basic weakness, commonly due to hyphal Candida, pyroluria-related liver conditions, nutritional deficiencies or medical drugs. Then it tends to act erratically. Pathogenic microbes may now be dominant in the intestinal tract and pleomorphic microbes multiply in the blood. Specific organs may be under autoimmune attack or there may be cysts or tumours. The immune system is no longer in control but still reacts forcefully to any emergency. This happens especially when the immune system has been suppressed as with medical drugs or due to nutrient deficiencies. It can no longer react appropriately to blood pathogens or tumours, or it may fight only a weak rearguard action leading to chronic inflammation.

However, when our immune system is no longer suppressed by drugs or deficiencies, or if it gains sufficient help from vitamin C or antimicrobial remedies, it may suddenly spring into powerful action. One of its main weapons is the release of pro-inflammatory hormones to initiate a generalised body inflammation.

It can be very confusing for us when our weakened immune system does not react proportionally to our health improvement efforts. We may greatly upgrade our diet, drink lots of fresh raw juices, take suitable supplements, but for a long time nothing happens. Then, out of the blue, a powerful inflammation begins to spread quickly all over the body with lots of pain and discomfort. What can we do?

To avoid this the preferred way is to prepare well in advance with intestinal sanitation, remedies to control Candida and other microbes, keep the urine slightly alkaline, investigate the possibility that you may have pyroluria and related deficiencies, improve the oxidative energy metabolism, and especially implement a schedule of periodic raw food fasting. All of this will greatly reduce the strength of the enemy against which the immune system needs to fight. Any inflammatory reaction, when it eventually arrives, will be much milder than by doing nothing to clean up and revitalise the body.

You do not know when the reaction will start or how strong it will be but sooner or later it will arrive and then you must be prepared. In most cases there will be moderate to strong inflammation, uncomfortable but bearable. In this case the following recommendations can be applied in a gradual way as necessary. However, in case of advanced cancer and after immune-suppressive drug therapy slam down the brakes very hard to avoid driving full speed into a brick wall. This means immediately reversing all efforts to strengthen the immune system, now it needs to be weakened.

As the most important action immediately begin a fast, but now on cooked rather than raw food. Use mainly fresh vegetables heated not higher than 100°C. In addition some subacid fruit such as apples are acceptable. Further, the fewer calories you ingest the more effective it will be. Initially use less than half of your normal daily calories; if this has not the desired effect reduce food intake to less than a quarter of normal or even use a short water fast with herb teas. When inflammations are under control gradually increase the food intake, and also re-introduce suspended remedies and supplement.

If conditions get really tough you may even consider a Urine Fast. It is better tolerated than a water fast and also stops energy supply for fungi, pleomorphic microbes, and even for the immune system. This quickly causes all inflammations and pain to stop, usually within 3 days. Initially use additional sodium bicarbonate to alkalise the urine. 

Simultaneously with the fast use a high intake of good quality water, about 3 litres daily spread out during the day and sipped up to 5 minutes before eating food. In addition strongly alkalise the body. With very strong inflammation and pain mix 3 to 5 rounded teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate with the daily drinking water. With milder reactions try 1 to 3 teaspoons. To control inflammations the urine pH should be between 7.5 and 8, see Alkalizing.

If your immune system over-reacts avoid or minimise remedies and conditions that strengthen it. This includes vitamin C and other immune-boosting remedies, sunbathing, citrus fruits and their juices and also other acidic fruits. However, high daily amounts of vitamin C should be reduced gradually e.g. reduce to about 100mg in a few days and remain at this level. In addition you may try taking anti-inflammatory remedies such as blueberries and other berries with purple juice, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, oregano, rosemary and turmeric. Watch how your body reacts to such remedies. 

Inflammations for Healing

The first inflammatory reaction with cancer or after immunosuppressive drug therapy is usually the strongest. Subsequent reactions tend to be less severe. Basically all inflammations are attempts of the immune system to heal the body. Therefore if you have mastered the first strong reaction, generally feel well and are improving your health, it is not advisable to suppress newly developing mild to moderate inflammations in different parts of the body; control only strong or generalised inflammations.

Normally when starting a proper health program initially wellbeing tends to improve markedly. However, after some weeks or months you may feel weak and unwell. This is the first of many healing reactions. The body is programmed to heal weak organs and structures by producing healing inflammations so that immune cells can more effectively clean out toxins, microbes and metabolic wastes. If we too strongly suppress such healing inflammations the body can never heal itself and just continues to deteriorate. Most medical drugs have the effect of suppressing healing inflammations.

While inflammations caused by chronic diseases are destructive and should initially be stopped by strongly alkalising, healing inflammations are beneficial and the urine can be kept neutral or around pH7, except if inflammation and pain become too strong and temporary alkalising is advisable.

Commonly such healing inflammations start after the body has gained sufficient vitality. This can be very confusing because we do not know if it is really a healing inflammation or if we did something wrong and it is an inflammation due to the start of a disease. Inflammations do not come with a label; they are just a fluid state where our health can improve or deteriorate depending on what we do. It is best to remain quietly confident and observe. Often healing inflammations shift around to different parts of the body. Use the methods outlined above to control the inflammation but do not suppress it, allow an inflammation in a controlled way. Reduce your food intake; drink more water and juices, if it is not too severe use mostly fresh raw food, relax and meditate.

If you have already worked for some time to improve your health then you can assume that this really is a healing inflammation. Anticipate that your body will soon be healthier than it was before the reaction. For a better understanding of such healing reactions see The Healing Crisis.

Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods to aid in the treatment of illness and health improvement.
The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease,
or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.

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