A true skeptic is one who questions established doctrines.


A Technical Outline of a Spiritual Philosophy of Science.

by Walter Last

One of our most fundamental mental challenges is to reconcile our scientific understanding of the world with our spiritual experiences and beliefs. There must be a unity at a higher level of reality, despite the outer appearances to the contrary. What are matter, energy, spirit, consciousness, and time? In the following I have outlined my answers to these questions.

The endeavors of conventional science focus only on material and technological aspects of our lives, and largely ignore other areas of vital interest to many of us, such as natural therapies, psychic phenomena, UFO’s, subtle energies and free energy generation, the multitude of anomalies and unexplained phenomena, as well as the whole area of spirituality and consciousness. A main reason for this is the absence of a plausible theory linking science and consciousness that makes these subjects understandable in scientific terms.

Present physics theories of everything are only concerned with physics, based on the mechanistic belief that biology and consciousness are just appendices of physics. What if it is the other way around? The following theory will show that physics can be much better understood as a product of consciousness. Equally with additional dimensions: mathematical constructs assume a great number of additional dimensions without the slightest indication what an additional dimension might actually look like.

I suggest that physics should start investigating paranormal or supernatural phenomena. Then it would soon find out what a real additional dimension is. Therefore, any so-called theory of everything that does not include consciousness and the paranormal is incomplete as well as seriously flawed.

However, such a unified theory of everything is possible by assuming that we are immersed in an additional dimension in a very direct and noticeable way. Furthermore, this will also allow a logical and unified understanding of many aspects of science, such as quantum physics, that are presently unintelligible except mathematically. With this, we have the foundation of a New Physics and a New Science. This will allow science to move from focusing on the material universe to a spiritual science investigating the totality of our existence.This article explores mainly the spiritual aspects of a unified theory of everything, for a discussion of scientific and especially physical and cosmological aspects see ENERGY AND MATTER IN FIVE DIMENSIONS.

SPACE-DENSITY - The additional dimension. If you have different ideas about spirituality, the meaning and purpose of life and the nature of God, just follow your own beliefs. In order to heal yourself with the methods on this website it is not necessary to accept my particular philosophy. I only offer it as a possibility for those who are still searching.

An additional dimension is all around us but we do not notice it because we either do not know what to look for, or we have not developed the necessary sensory ability. On the other hand, there are also many who can perceive it. They may see that all living beings are not only surrounded by a dense energy field, but that this field also interpenetrates the whole body and they may even see streams of energy flowing through different parts of the body, such as along acupuncture meridians. This energy is commonly called etheric or aetheric energy.

A less dense field of many colors can also be seen to extend beyond the etheric field and interpenetrate the etheric field as well as the physical body. This is called an astral field or in humans the emotional body. Of even lesser density and interpenetrating the denser fields is the mental field and a few gifted psychics can see several more interpenetrating fields of lesser and lesser density. All of these fields of different density appear in the same space at the same time.

This makes absolutely no sense with our current scientific understanding and, therefore, the existence of such energy fields is ignored or denied by our official science. This is of fundamental importance for our philosophy of life, for our understanding of what life is all about, what happens at birth and after death, and the whole field of religion and spirituality.

However, we can easily understand that different fields can exist and be seen in the same space at the same time by assuming that these fields are separated from each other in an additional dimension according to the density of their intrinsic substance. With this, we have the additional dimension of space-density. Therefore, material objects, etheric fields, emotions and thoughts are each in a different plane or level of space-density even if they are in the same four-dimensional space-time. According to esoteric teachings space-densities are arranged in octaves, or even octaves within octaves.

This means that our physical world coexists in the same space-time with a world composed of etheric substance, and both coexist with worlds made of emotional and mental fields. Even different etheric worlds may exist in a range of different space-densities without interfering with each other. For this reason etheric energy (as used in healing), emotions and thoughts can all be transmitted through house walls and over long distances from one person to another.

So far physics only knows of electromagnetic waves that can be transmitted in this way, but thoughts and healing energies are not electromagnetic. Therefore conventional science denies the existence of these different forms of energy, even though parapsychologists and those who use them in their healing and psychic activities know that they exist and that the official scientific explanation is wrong.

In physical and mathematical theories and esoteric teachings many more dimensions may be assumed to exist. However, commonly these are just different levels within the dimension of space-density. For instance, an octave of different levels is commonly described as eight different dimensions, the etheric level and the astral level being counted as two different dimensions, while in reality they are just two different levels within the dimension of space-density.


Another important realization is the primary role of vortices in the creation and maintenance of energy fields. Imagine a vortex with an inward directed spiral, a so-called centripetal vortex. It will compact the substance within its field of influence and create a high pressure field or short an HP field, while a vortex with an outward directed spiral component, a centrifugal vortex, will create a low pressure or LP field as shown in Fig1. However, Fig 1 is a two-dimensional abstraction of a multi-dimensional process. In 3-D we may see an inflow at one end and an outflow at the other end of a vortex manifested in the form of a tube.

Fig. 1: Oscillation of a pulson 

A - demanifested condition

B - manifestation phase as centripetal vortex

C - manifested high pressure (HP) field

D - demanifestation phase

E - demanifested condition

F - manifestation phase as centrifugal vortex

G - manifested low pressure (LP) field

H - demanifestation phase

The arrows show the direction of the spiral vector of the vortex, the dots indicate the distribution of pressure

Obvious examples of such vortex flows can be seen in the high and low pressure areas of our atmosphere. In an atmospheric high we see a spiral inflow of air at the top and an outflow at the bottom, and vice versa with low-pressure areas. However, the causes of these highs and lows are not physical but rather the result of etheric vortices, and pressures are opposite at the etheric level to those at the physical level. For instance the lower the air pressure falls in an atmospheric low, most extreme in a tornado, the higher the etheric energy is compacted, and this leads to bizarre phenomena inside tornadoes that cannot be understood with conventional physics. .

We may now say that a HP field has a positive polarity, and a LP field a negative polarity. Depending on the level of space-density at which it occurs, this polarity is the basis of positive and negative electrical charges, positive and negative feelings, or positive and negative thoughts.

These energy vortices have another characteristic: they pulsate, that means they change back and forth between the centrifugal and the centripetal condition. In nature this is commonly the underlying cause of pulsations observed in astrophysics for instance or with biological clocks that determine most of the rhythms of biological life. For this reason, we may call these pulsating energy vortices pulsons.

The theory of quantum physics teaches that all matter is embedded in a high-energy quantum field out of which atomic particles are formed and into which they can again dissolve. We may now assume that this quantum field consists of a multitude of tiny pulsons. The vortices of these pulsons are funnel-shaped similar in appearance to a tornado. This means that the strongest HP or LP fields are at the small funnel openings, here is the highest positive or negative polarity. If two pulsons meet, this is where they are most strongly attracted or repulsed by each other.

Pulsons that attract each other will commonly come together in the shape of an hourglass. By spinning in the same direction they will stay slightly apart due to the repulsion between them caused by the same spin. Normally, speed, direction and frequencies of both pulsons will be dissimilar and they quickly separate again, but under special conditions, such as energetic changes in atoms, these parameters will be identical and then they remain bound together.

With this we have a twin-pulson, the basic configuration of a photon as the unit of light: its two parts joined and held in balance by the attraction due to the opposite charges of their electric fields and the magnetic repulsion from their like or same-directional spins. With this, the photon is electromagnetic but in itself magnetically and electrically neutral. If a photon travels through a field with strong electric or magnetic polarity then it may be split in half and both parts become stabilized as electron and positron. The reverse happens when an electron and a positron meet, they form again a photon.

Physical matter actually is not a separate level, but just the densest form of the etheric level. Light and electromagnetism are etheric manifestations. On other levels of space-density, such as the emotional and mental levels, there are similar twin-pulsons as the basic units or the light of that region. On the mental level, for instance, they form the basic units from which thoughts are being constructed. Similar to the photons or the electromagnetic spectrum, each level contains a wide range of space-densities.

Even each pulson, due to its funnel-shaped vortex exists within a certain range of space-densities. Only pulsons with an overlapping range of densities can directly interact with each other such as we know it from material objects. However, even pulsons far apart in space-densities can still influence each other indirectly, as we will see in the fascinating section on materialization, the inner mechanism by which bodies are formed, be they material or non-material, as we understand matter.

Some Pulson Phenomena

Patrick Flanagan observed the vortices in 'living', turbulently moving water to oscillate periodically and rhythmically, at one stage shrinking in diameter and extending in length and then contracting again and enlarging in diameter (Towards a New Alchemy by N. Begich, Earthpulse Press, Anchorage).

Another interesting phenomenon can be observed in certain organic oxidation-reduction reactions in the presence of a colored indicator. Commonly reactions proceed just in one direction but in this case they form colored spirals that oscillate at certain frequencies over long periods. Furthermore, it could be shown that the spirals seen at the surface are really vortices. In suitable conditions an equal number of oscillating spirals with opposite rotations will be formed. There are, of course, countless other spiral phenomena, from the structure of the DNA to microbial and aquatic life and galaxies. Under a microscope it can be seen that even a crystal grows in a vortex-like spiral pattern like a screw.

In addition to two unlike vortices (centripetal and centrifugal) forming a twin-pulson, also two like vortices may combine. In this case they will be attracted by their unlike spins but repulsed by their like field polarities. It appears that the combinations of unlike fields are more stable, and are the basis of materializations, while like-field twin-pulsons are unstable and produce strong energetic effects.

It also needs to be realized that the funnel shape of pulsons exists mainly within the dimension of space-density; viewed within a single or narrow range of densities it appears more as a tube. Within our physical reality, the extended funnel area at lower density levels may then manifest as a luminous ball, or a torus (a shape like a doughnut created by a circle spinning around an axis) surrounding a spinning tube.

Pulsons manifesting in our physical reality initially are strongly polarized (‘uncompensated’) and tend to be associated with strong electromagnetic effects. They may be formed by the sun, and impact our ionosphere as ‘atmospheric holes’, or they may emerge from the earth as ‘natural self-luminous formations’ (NSLFs) or ‘radar angels’.

They may also cause phenomena such as tornados, water spouts, dust devils, clear air turbulence, geological vortices such as the Oregon Vortex, ‘ball lightning’, and ‘sprites, elves and jets’ over thunderstorms. Other descriptions for pulsons are ‘vacuum domains’, ‘rotating tubes’ or ‘strings’, or a ‘spherical torus of energy’. The production of polarized etheric pulsons, commonly by using rotating magnetic fields, is at the basis of most so-called free-energy devices, for details see www.keelynet.com.

Because pulson vortices are etheric phenomena, their real nature is usually hidden from our view, and we become aware of them only through secondary effect, such as electromagnetic phenomena. An example of this difficulty is that only in 2001 has the evidence been found that sunspots are driven by planet-sized vortices.

Space shuttle experiments to better understand the birth of the solar system seem to confirm this concept of tornado-like pulsons. It was expected that dust clouds would aggregate into bigger and bigger balls eventually to form planets. Instead they formed fluffy rotating chains or cables as would be expected of pulson vortices with long, tube-like funnels. This perception is further enhanced by chains only reacting with each other end to end as pulsons would. However, according to the Pulson Theory any such aggregation would not lead to the formation of planets.

A recently discovered example is the observation of tube-like interstellar clouds surrounded by spiraling magnetic fields. Galaxies can commonly be seen to have tube or cone-like matter or anti-matter projections coming out of their cores perpendicular to their plane of rotation. Very spectacular is the recently discovered “double helix” at the center of our galaxy - two intertwining tubes wrapped around each other as in a DNA molecule, in all 80 light years in length. Even our galactic center shows a tube, described as a stellar bar, about 27,000 light years in length. When knowing what to look for we can see vortices or pulsons and polarity fields everywhere.

Most of these pulson phenomena are due to tornado-like centripetal vortices. The reason for this is that these have a much higher intensity and are therefore easier to spot than low-intensity centrifugal vortices. Even in our weather patterns it is much easier to notice a cyclone or tornado than an atmospheric high pressure area. Clear-air turbulence may possibly be caused by centrifugal vortices.


The process of materialization is designed to creatively harness the powerful forces within polarized pulsons. To understand the principle of materialization imagine an atmospheric high pressure area and a low pressure area meeting end to end in unlimited space and with both systems rotating in the same direction. Both systems partially merge but retain their overall size and shape. Where they overlap, pressures equalize. However, near the center excess low pressure will remain, and towards the periphery excess high pressure remains. Of course, in reality this energy neutralization occurs at the etheric level where pressures or concentrations are opposite to those at the physical level (see Fig. 2).

 Fig. 2: Twin-pulson manifesting within a super LP field (top) and resulting polarities

 H : high pressure (HP) field; L : low pressure (LP) field; M : neutral middle-field

If we now express this simplified image in terms of the pulson theory it sounds somewhat more complicated but is basically the same process. Within a neutral field or one of low polarity, pulsons oscillate fairly rapidly. However, within a large HP or LP field, we may call it a super-field, smaller pulsons slow down and become deformed. Deformation means that a pulson field changes its shape; it may expand, contract or acquire an irregular shape due to the influence of a strong polarity from larger and smaller fields in other regions of space-density. In the earth atmosphere we obviously have a deformation due to a planetary super-field that compresses atmospheric low-pressure fields and expands high-pressure fields.

Expressed in more general terms we may say when a twin-pulson comes under the influence of the large LP field of a super-pulson the HP field of the twin-pulson will expand while its LP field contracts. This increases the polarity or density difference, and with this the attraction between both twin-fields and they merge. Now they can neutralize each other wherever their fields are of equal intensity. However, as shown in Fig. 2, there remains a surplus of the LP field at the core surrounded by the remnants of the HP field that now forms a shell. Core and shell are separated by a neutral middle-field with zero polarity.

Normally core and shell would rapidly merge into each other and become extinct, but in this case the deformative forces of their super-field prevents this. In addition, shell and core are stabilized by micro-fields of opposite polarity bound within them. Thus, the HP shell binds micro-LP fields until its polarity forces are more or less neutralized towards levels of higher space density; the LP core binds micro-HP fields instead. In this condition the twin-pulson is now manifested, on the physical level we may say it is pre-materialized as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3: Pre-materialised twin-pulson

H : high pressure (HP) field; L : low pressure (LP) field; M : neutral middle-field

This is the stage just before a body is being born, be it an atomic particle, a star or a human being, with strong polarity forces similar to an electric capacitor. The action of forces within the same and across different space-densities is illustrated in Fig. 4. In a fertilized egg, for instance, these polarity forces can be measured as electric potentials before any biological development takes place.

Fig. 4: Forces within the dimension of space-density

As the polarities of the pulson fields gradually become neutralized towards higher space-densities and the capacitor potential of the micro-fields increases, more and more micro-fields cross over into the opposite pulson-field. In addition, newly formed micro-fields also move into the pulson field of like polarity. There they meet oppositely charged micro-pulsons and combine with them to form twin-pulsons. Immediately they become deformed and pre-materialize and then materialize themselves. With this, the core and shell of the manifested twin-pulson form a permanent body as shown in Fig. 5.

.Fig 5: Pre-materialised (left) and materialising twin-pulson fields (right)

From this basic pattern we may deduce that stellar bodies start materializing on both sides adjacent to the middle-field, and then proceed further outwards and inwards. The speed of materialization may rhythmically change with the major pulsations of the stellar twin-vortices. Overall observations will show the stellar body growing in size and becoming heavier. This mechanism provides an explanation for the expanding Earth theory; it is also visibly supported by the appearance of the Jupiter moon Ganymede showing many wide cracks as in an expanding surface.

However, if two unlike micro-fields meet in or near the middle-field, they are not sufficiently deformed and so remain non-materialized. In our sun and other heavenly bodies this is an additional or alternative method of energy production to that through nuclear fusion as suggested by current astrophysical theories.

There is convincing evidence that materialization proceeds according to definite harmonic and geometric laws. For details see the excellent free e-books by David Wilcock at www.divinecosmos.com.

Birth of a Galaxy

Photos of young galaxies show the typical spiral shape due to the spin of the twin galactic vortices. Although both turn in the same direction, the centripetal vortex has an inward-pointing component, while the centrifugal vortex points outward. This causes turbulence in the field between them, which results in the creation of a stream of daughter vortices.

These in turn may eventually form twin-pulsons and create another level of daughter vortices at even higher space-densities. In this way, in the earliest stages of manifestation, the galactic twin-pulsons create a hierarchy of smaller and smaller pulson families at ever increasing space-densities.

This is the reason why different classes of entities, such as atomic particles, cells, animals and stars have a similar body size within each group. If we regard the consciousness associated with the galactic twin-pulson as our God, then that is how God started creating our world and all that is in it. We may say God created first the pulsons and twin-pulsons, that is the essences or souls of all things to be manifested within God’s being.

At the level of the highest space-density, the polarizing force working its way down from the galactic twin-pulson is least effective, while the long-ranging forces acting within that level are stronger than at all other levels. This is why materialization starts at the level of the highest space-density, in our world that is at the level of the atomic particles.

The materialization of the densest level greatly reduces the short-ranging polarity forces acting on the neighboring level of lesser space-density and this then allows this level to start materializing. In this way atoms can eventually form more and more complex molecules, then microbes and the multitude of known life forms.

This means that galaxies basically create the atoms out of which their stars are formed. Stars materialize from the first level of galactic twin-pulsons. According to the Pulson Theory, the universe consists of equal amounts of matter and antimatter. Also quasars, stars and comets may have antimatter in their core. A large antimatter cloud discovered near the galactic center is in agreement with the prediction that the space of the galactic core contains antimatter.

In the galactic center stars and matter are compacted due to the strong polarity of the core of the galactic super-field. On an astronomical scale this is the same type of force as the so-called strong force of atomic particles that holds the nucleons tightly packed in the atomic nucleus, just on a much lower level of space density. In the galactic center relatively small areas have been spotted with a million very large stars tightly packed into each area. Energetically this would be the same structure as a nucleon (proton or neutron) within an atomic nucleus.

There are massive clouds of dense gas circling the center. Anywhere else in the galaxy these would be forming stars but in the galactic centre it is different. These clouds do not form stars until it a certain threshold is reached and then gigantic clusters of stars are formed all at once.

My interpretation of this is that the matter in each cloud is compacted by a super-pulson creating a super-field or group-field. At a certain stage in the manifestation phase of the super pulson the materialization process begins with the simultaneous appearance of many stars. These galactic nucleons should continue expanding for some time.

Closely linked with the materialization process is the de-manifestation of some part of the pulson energy. Each time when two unlike micro-fields meet and unite during the process of materialization, an equivalent part of the binding pulson field is set free and - like a drop of water falling into a pond - combines with its vortex part.

Therefore, the more a body becomes materialized, the more its pulson will de-manifest again until finally only an empty material shell remains as a dead body. Dead stellar bodies, such as our moon, have lost their spin, pulsations, stellar magnetic field and their internally produced radiation. Due to the middle field, stellar bodies and especially dead ones may have large hollow spaces inside.

The same principles that apply to a galaxy also apply to the Universe as a whole. It starts with the formation and ends with the dissolution of its primary twin-pulson. It can be expected to move in an endless series of manifestation and de-manifestation cycles. There may, of course, be an infinite number of universes.


Depending on the frequency and space-density of the phenomenon, the non-manifested part of a pulson with its characteristic pulsation frequency is behind the electromagnetic oscillations of atoms or crystals, the energy pulsations of stellar bodies, the oscillations of the periphery of our sun, sunspot cycles and magnetic pole reversals. As the internal clock found in living organisms, it regulates the metabolism, sleep and wake cycles, heartbeat and breathing.

Various studies have shown that we have three biorhythm cycles, which start at the time of our birth. A 23-day cycle has been linked to our biological body, a 28-day cycle to our emotional body and a 33-day cycle to our mental body. I believe that these cycles are the result of the oscillation rates of the twin-pulsons of these bodies.

On a longer scale the major manifestation-de-manifestation cycle of a twin-pulson is also the life-death cycle of a body. The more materialized and older a body becomes, the more does the polarity of its field diminish and the twin-vortices begin to lose control of the spin, which will slow and eventually stop. Without sufficient polarity to keep attached to the body, the twin-vortices will separate and leave behind a dead body. The principle is the same for stellar bodies as for biological bodies.

It is interesting that all animals big and small are said to have approximately the same number of heartbeats, which means that the responsible twin-pulson incarnates with a pre-programmed number of pulsations. However, the human soul provides us with an additional field as compared to the most highly evolved animals.

The lower the space-density of the leading or primary field, the slower is its major manifestation-de-manifestation cycle and the longer is on average the life-span of its body. This is the real reason why humans have a much longer lifespan than the higher animals and in particular the apes. There is no biological reason to account for this. For the same reason I also expect that individuals, who have developed higher emotional and mental bodies, have a longer normal life expectancy than those who operate only with the concrete mind.


The mid-line between two twin-vortexes will be the average equatorial plane of its body. The twin-vortices spin the body by their polarity attachments at the polar-regions. Here the highest densities of the vortex fields form the magnetic poles, see Fig. 6. Magnetism ultimately is due to the spin of vortices rather then just to the spin of unpaired electrons as assumed in physics. This means unpaired electrons owe their magnetic effects to the vortices associated with them.

.Fig. 6: Materialised field with twin-vortices

Therefore, also the magnetic field of our planet is basically due to the spin of the two planetary vortices. This lets us understand the frequent shifts and reversals of our earth magnetic poles primarily as the oscillations of pulson vortices, which may cause shifts and reversals in the flow of any magma as a secondary effect.

The deviation of the magnetic axis of our planet from its rotation axis may be due to the interaction of the planetary vortices with those of the solar system or with internal energy structures. Due to its inertia, a planet may also continue spinning for a while out of alignment with the magnetic axis, especially during pole reversals, which appears to be happening at present.

Due to activities in higher energy dimensions, the etheric twin-vortices of a stellar body may periodically completely withdraw, and re-manifest with opposite spin. In the case of our planet, this may lead to a reversal of its spin within a very short time span, in combination with a reversal of its magnetic poles.

Both vortices connected with a magnetic pole have opposite spiral vectors; one is a centripetal and the other a centrifugal vortex. This makes it understandable that both poles can have different and in some ways opposite effects on biological systems.

A confirmation of the vortex nature of magnetism may be found in ‘Magnetism and its Effect on the Living System’ by A. R. Davies & W. C. Rawls (Acres, Kansas City). They describe how with the help of a cathode ray oscilloscope the energy emitted from the pole of a magnet can be photographed to show rotating small cables rather than lines of force as generally assumed. These cables correspond to the tubes or elongated snouts of tornado-like pulson vortices. The right-hand spin direction of cables emitted from the N pole is opposite to the left-hand spin of the S pole cables.

Atoms and Particles

The polarity distribution of a hydrogen atom and an anti-hydrogen atom are shown in Fig. 7. Larger atoms with several electron shells have several atomic fields superimposed on each other, each additional shell on the adjacent level of decreasing space-density. With each additional field the core LP field becomes more compressed and, with this, more strongly polarized.

This allows the core to bind more protons, but it also increases the pressure on the core LP fields of the bound neutrons. When the deformation of a neutron at the nuclear center becomes too strong, part of its LP field is expelled as an electron. This creates a surplus polarity in its HP shell and makes it a proton.

Because the electron has the same polarity as the core of the atomic field, it is forcefully ejected as beta radiation. It balances its polarity at the atomic density level by binding and surrounding itself with an equivalent part of the atomic HP field. Conversely, should a proton leave an atomic field, it remains surrounded with part of the atomic LP core.

In this way proton and electron can readily reunite to form a hydrogen atom. As electrons are basically polarized etheric fields, they may be imaged as electron clouds. The neutrino is assumed to be a small non-materialized twin-pulson at the level of the atomic field as compared to a photon, which is at the density level of atomic particles.

Water Mysteries

In a recent surprise discovery it was found that any chemicals dissolved in water draw closer together and form clusters when the solution is further diluted. The explanation is that water, as a polar medium, is able to bind pulson fields at a lower space-density or at the etheric level.

In pure water these fields form usually short-lived clusters or domains of water molecules. In a concentrated solution the polarity forces of these etheric fields are fully compensated and, therefore, have little impact on the movement of molecules or ions. However, in strongly diluted solutions these fields have free polarities, which attract dissolved particles.

A similar mechanism is also the basis for the 'memory of water' as shown by Benveniste in 1988 (Nature). Benveniste found that a solution that once contained antibodies or histamine still activated white blood cells. He claimed that this was due to ghostly imprints in the water structure where the antibodies had been. These imprints may be seen as pulson fields of specific structure and space-density. More recently these experiments have been confirmed by Madeleine Ennis (Inflammation Research, vol 53, p 181), who admits that she is unable to explain the results.

This same principle is the basis of homeopathy. Here the etheric fields of natural substances are separated from their material counterparts. The more diluted the solution becomes, the stronger are the polarity forces in these etheric fields and the stronger are the potential healing effects.

Go to Part 2...


COMPENSATED POLARITY - polarity of a pulson field after binding micro-pulsons of the opposite polarity, e.g. after
pre-materialisation or materialisation.

DEFORMATION - expansion or contraction of a pulson field due to the polarity of the super-field in which it is manifested or to the forces within a pulson vortex.

HP FIELD - high pressure field caused by a centripetal pulson vortex.

LP FIELD - low pressure field caused by a centrifugal pulson vortex.

MANIFESTATION - phase of field formation of a pulson vortex.

MIDDLE-FIELD - neutral space between the opposite polarities of shell and core of a materialising body.

POLARITY - degree of uncompensated high or low pressure within a pulson field, e.g. the electric charge of an atomic particle.

PULSON - energy vortex rapidly alternating between a centripetal and a centrifugal condition

SPACE-DENSITY - level of density of a field, e.g. compression or space-density progressively increases from mental to emotional, cellular, molecular, atomic and particle fields.

TWIN-PULSON - two pulson vortices of opposite polarity joined in the shape of an hourglass.

Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods to aid in the treatment of illness and health improvement.
The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease,
or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.

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